Which media?….
- Is trusted above others.
- Reaches millions.
- Tells stories.
- Plays music.
- Informs.
- Makes you smile.
- Does not require costly internet connection.
- Is largely available 24/7.
- Has every style and genre available.
- Is totally portable.
We’re referring to radio of course. Radio continues to evolve yet still has many unique aspects to it. In the UK with the advent of Small Scale DAB many look forward to a wealth of new stations who will be able to launch affordably and provide even more choice for the listener. Some of these stations will be extensions of existing services no doubt but there are likely to be many hyper-local and specialised services. Not so long ago ILR services were all local, they reflected their areas, we’re used creatively by local businesses, they gave high priority to everything on their patch, often broadcasting live from events large and small. Now those stations are mostly nationally branded, they have become too expensive for local advertisers and are now very different. SSDAB represents an opportunity for new innovative local services to return.
Phil England