Please join LRS to access member benefits
Local Radio Support offers you membership
which gives radio stations access to a wide range of exclusive discounts from some of the most reputable partners in the business.
From commercial production through to accountancy, insurance and playout software our members can benefit from huge savings, working with some of the most experienced professionals in the industry.
Our package of membership benefits is growing all the time as new partners come on-board who are committed to helping SSDAB and other independent stations thrive and grow. Scroll down for some example benefits.
"In a very short time we saved far more than the membership subs through using just a couple of the deals on offer" (LRS member)
Joining takes just two minutes
LRS Bespoke Support
We also offer bespoke support for radio stations across key areas of your business. Our senior team all have extensive experience of running radio stations and are on hand to work with you on a wide variety of business challenges.
You will be allocated a specific member of our team to work with and they will be your key point of contact, pulling in additional resource as and when required.
We will take a detailed brief and help identify exactly what you need to achieve, working closely to create and execute a plan to get you there.
We can help with everything from creating your brand, recruiting and training a sales team through to the technical process of setting up a radio station – have a look at the “Meet the Team” page to get an idea of the skillsets and experience we offer.
Our bespoke help and support is priced on a case by case basis so please get in touch and we will get the ball rolling.
Playout Systems
At LRS we understand how important a robust and reliable play out system is for our member radio stations and that is why we are delighted to be able to offer exclusive LRS discounts with two of the best operators in the market.

Our partners at Aiir are providers of Radio Broadcast Software for professional broadcasters of all sizes. We’ve used their products for years. [MORE]

We’ve been working with RCS in various capacities for a number of years now and we are very pleased to be able to offer our SSDAB, Community Radio and online only members an exclusive discount on their services. [MORE]
Commercial Production
It’s vital that the new wave of DAB radio stations can offer their clients the best commercial production solutions at a cost-effective price that encourages them to spend on the station. It’s for that reason that we have negotiated partnerships with two of the marketing leading commercial production companies in the UK.

We’ve worked closely with RadioJingles Ltd to offer Local Radio Support members unbeatable discounts across their entire range of services meaning it’s even more cost effective for your clients to advertise on your radio station.[MORE]

Membership of Local Radio Support means you get unrivalled discounts on all S2Blue products and services so you can provide the best possible commercial production solutions for your clients from day one.[MORE]
Like any business, radio stations need to have insurance to cover themselves against public liability and professional indemnity and LRS is proud to work with RiskWorks to offer comprehensive insurance cover at an exclusive rate.

RiskWorks is an independent Insurance and Risk Management company based in Wilmslow, Cheshire providing specialising in insurance and risk management services for radio stations and media companies of all sizes. [MORE]
Tech Support
As we all know tech advances have made radio stations easier to manage and more economical whilst at the same time providing a multitude of different ways to make great radio. Until that is ‘something’ goes wrong.

So much can ‘fall over’, hard drives, playout systems, music schedulers, IP connections, sound cards streaming plus physical faults on desks mics and cables etc.
Recently one station contacted LRS to say “I need help, right now we are looking for a broadcast system engineer, do you know anyone based in London who can help us for one day….?” We responded and sent one of our engineers in. A couple of hours (not a full day) later all problems were resolved.
By being an LRS member station you can always get in touch with us and we’ll do all we can to assist. You’ll be asked to cover an engineer’s time and expenses of course but like with so many things you’ll pay less through LRS.
We can help with initial builds too, ensuring your kit is set up properly and therefore reducing the need for future emergency situations.
If you are already an LRS member this is a reminder that we’re here to help when you need us. [MORE]
The Radio Academy
LRS membership gives you the option of free affiliate membership of The Radio Academy

The Radio Academy is the UK radio and audio industry charity, established in 1983, dedicated to the promotion of excellence in UK radio and audio. [MORE]