Local Radio Support has been created for radio stations of all shapes and sizes.
We’re getting stronger as each member station joins. We are the ‘voice’ of the small independent station sector.
Local Radio Support is run by a team of highly experienced radio professionals.
Emergency tech support is available to members by industry experts either remotely or on site at a fraction of the usual expected and fair high cost. Of course this depends on the problem but we are here to help in any way we can.
From programming through to compliance, from marketing through to sales, we offer the experience you need to help you get your business to fly.
Members can enjoy savings from a growing number of partners providing a variety of services.
A wealth of other help and advice is also available for members.
As with most media organisations, we utilise modern technologies to connect with our members and partners across the UK and beyond.
However unlike many organisations, our core team is spread around the UK and not focussed on London. We’ve worked at, and managed radio businesses in all four nations and regions, with experience at local, regional and national levels.
Easily save this and more with our partner preferential rates. PLUS when you join us you may request a one 2 one private call with any senior member of our team to discuss ANY issues or needs
(Including revenue generation for your station using IRIS & AIMS)